Single Ideas portal that lets me customize which ideas are shown based on a set of rules
We run a series of pre-release programs that only some customers/partners are enrolled in. Members of a pre-release program should only see the ideas for the programs they're enrolled in vs seeing all ideas for all of our pre-release programs. Rig...
Jeff Champagne
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Need '#' inserts customizable, so that along with aha id I see title as well. =============Email to support referenced below============== Your request (560768) has been updated. Reply to this email to respond.
Michael Bruner (Aha! Support)
Sasi Ravichandar
almost 4 years ago
Future consideration
Possibility to have definition of start and end date for the release on the create release screen
In the create release form there is no start and end date. I think that having the option to define these dates would be more user friendly and help in faster configuring the phases afterwards (their dates).
Dejan Kocic
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Please provide a self-service individual performance dashboard for my Aha! account
While the page is helpful for widespread performance information, I'd like an individual dashboard specific to my account where I can see visibility into the performance on my Aha! account. I'd like to see this on a user by user basi...
Erin Ward
over 1 year ago
Future consideration
On a user's notification preferences screen, there is a setting for "Stop receiving lifecycle emails". It would be more clear to call this "Stop receiving onboarding emails" or add helper text below it to explain what these emails are.
On the custom roadmap, move text on top of bar instead of left when it doesn't fit so I can see all my fields
When the text in a bar becomes too long to fit on the right, the text moves it to the left. When the text is on the left, I cannot see my highest priority field because it gets cut off by the roadmap. I would like the text to move on top of the ba...
Chrissi McNamara
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When we try to link an existing idea to a new or existing feature, it would be nice if the link box would continue to narrow options as you typed the idea index, and not say "no match found". Similarly, it would be nice to be able to use the idea ...
Mary Vanausdale
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Completing a to-do should mark the "assigned you a to-do" notification as read
If I have complete a to-do, my “PERSON assigned you a to-do” notification should be marked as read if it is not already.Right now, I work through my to-dos then come to notifications and have to go through them all again and mark as read.
Jessica Groff
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
As a VP of Product, I'd like to be able to generate a report that takes the initial creation date for a feature, the “delivered” or “deployed” date for a feature, and average that for all deployed features to see our average cycle time for feature...
Evan Paul
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists