Opening a feature request to send a feature or requirement URL to Rally. This request will be useful for customers who want to trace a feature or user story from Rally To Aha!
Today Aha! populates a field tracing to rally, we need to trace the w...
Christine Habib
over 8 years ago
in Features
Ability to disable email notification replies being added as comments
Aha! send’s an email notification to the Portal Users that created an idea when it’s status is changed, which is Great!
If a user replies to the email notification, their reply is added as a public comment on the idea. (which is stated in the emai...
Tyson Kretschmer
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Improve the loading speed of the integrations list
What is the challenge? We have many integrations configured. Every time I click the integrations "+" button, it takes forever to load. What is the impact? It is taking more than 25 seconds in some cases. The long loading times hurt productivity. D...
Nathaniel Collum
9 months ago
in Integrations
Improve the loading speed of several highly used fields in Aha!
What is the challenge? Improve the loading speed of several highly used fields in Aha! Particularly, we are having trouble with... Features > Release field Feature > Initiative field Release > Initiative field What is the impact? It is ta...
Blend Aha! user accounts with Idea portal user accounts
As a product manager, I love the concept of using the Ideas portal to improve internal transparency and serve as a submission point for all features, bugs, general ideas, etc - the current permissions structure makes that a bit cumbersome and conf...
When viewing the details of an initiative (or master feature), it would be helpful to see the child-master features (or features) sorted by priority order rather than alphabetical order. That way, the child records wouldn't necessarily have to be ...
Stop Product Hierarchy from collapsing after each edit in Product Configuration (Account Settings > Account > Customizations > Configure Products)
After editing the product configuration the product hierarchy always collapses to the top level. This is very inefficient when multiple things need to be changed. Ideally the product hierarchy structure stays exactly at the same level after the ed...
What is the challenge? I want to find & purge old / stagnant ideas that are no longer relevant or trending. I want the ability to filter by when the last vote on an idea was in order to find old ideas. What is the impact? I cannot find or filt...