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Product line goals linking to product goals

We've set goals for our product line and each product team has separate goals that support the goals of the product line. In the strategy diagram, I'd like to show the goals for the product line and then the products and their goals that all suppo...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Scorecard labels need more space again

The recent update of the scorecards (which I generally like) comes with waaay too short labels. Generally I don't see a reason for the cards being so tiny and labels being truncated. Bigger cards, allowing for more (meaningful) content, would be v...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Epic 3 Shipped

Notify the appropriate users when they need to evaluate a work request

Work requests are a great new feature, and it's great that they can be assigned to workspaces. However, there needs to be a way for the appropriate users to be notified that there is a new workspace that needs their attention.
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Add support for work requests within Automations

Work requests are a great way for us to request work from multiple product teams that might play a role in our launches. There currently isn't a way to include work requests in automation rules. There are a couple use case we would need: 1) Abilit...
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Features > List should be limited to selected Product

After I have selected a product, I can flip through Strategy, Releases, and Ideas. When I go to Features, I can flip through flip through Board, Details, and Roadmap. All the while, I'm just seeing things related to the selected Product. The momen...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Please create a Slack 'message shortcut'

Create a way to create an Aha feature or idea from a Slack message shortcut. Similar to those shown in the attached file and on this page:
C K over 3 years ago in Slack 1 Shipped

Show attached files as a list instead of icons

We attach many files to our programs and would like the ability to have the files show in a list view instead of showing as an icon. This is important in our Release > Detail view. Can you please let me know if this is possible?
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in  5 Shipped

Tag To-Dos in text fields, similar to @ for people and # for tasks.

Being able to refer to to-dos in a similar way to people and features will enhance meeting notes.
Rob Eroh over 8 years ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

When assigning an owner please make name drop down type-searchable

Please make all name drop downs searchable by typing the first few letters of the person 's name. We have a lot of folks in the system and scrolling to the "L" or "M", etc... is time consuming and leaves room for error.
Brooke Huling over 9 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Estimated completion date field for initiatives

It would be helpful if Initiatives had an Estimated Completion date field. I would like this to be visible on the initiatives notebook so that the brand team could clearly understand the timeline for all initiatives.
Guest about 10 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped