I can have Master Releases that span Products, but I can't review the collection of features against a single budget. This is in our case a software package that is integral to a hardware product release, and is also available as a Product in its ...
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Reports- Chart date-based data on a linear date range
Instead of charting a date as a unique string, treat it as a point in a time range and be able to chart time based data in meaningful ways. Similar to how the Idea Overview chart looks for one week of Ideas, have a way to use Dates to show the act...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
Default ideas comments to internal rather than external
Currently, when you add a comment on an idea from Aha!, the default is to post it publicly on the portal. I have had a couple of instances now where someone accidentally publicly posted a comment that should have been private. It would be great if...
Rob Bedeaux
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Just like on the Ideas portal I can control how many votes a user gets, I want to control how many votes a Reviewer can cast. I want to expand access to Private comments, which requires Reviewer permissions, which in turn grants unlimited votes; a...
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
It would be nice to have a typical "share" function/button on the page of an idea in the Ideas Portal. If that would exist, I could easily share an existing idea with colleagues and they would get a link to the idea to add comments (precising my i...
Christian Hartmann
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to groups Features into buckets without Release reference
It would be useful if Aha would add a "grouping" capability for Features, while that grouping must not be related to any particular Release. Eg. for one product I do have today ~400 features in planning and backlog. They are spread out across 3 di...
Christian Hartmann
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to convert text field to note field in custom fields/layouts
We would like to be able to convert a text-based field to a note-based field in custom layouts by editing the field. Use case: We set up a set of fields to build a report, and one field (path to green) is a text field. We've since realised that th...
Nerissa Muijs
over 2 years ago
in Epic
Already exists
When searching for specific Idea using the magnifying glass, allow ability to not see Ideas with specific statuses, e.g. "Released to Production" and not see "Not Enough Value".
Anna Polak
over 2 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Whenever a User is added to a Custom Table User Field, add them as a Watcher
When you have a User Field in a Custom Table, add them as a Watcher. Similar to how @'ing someone makes them a Watcher. In fact, whenever a User is referenced, they should become a Watcher.