Hide Idea Created Alert Notification After Browsing to Another Page
The Idea Created green notification shown when a new idea is added does not appear to go away until the user clicks close.
It is somewhat confusing to be browsing in another tab 15 minutes after creating an idea and still seeing the Idea Created n...
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Need the ability to adjust the size of the drawer to show more tabs
Given that all custom tables are now shows as tabs, the drawer shows at most 4 or 5 tabs depending on the resolution. However, while working on that, it would be very efficient if the size of the drawer can be adjusted by user so we can drag and m...
Arun Kalyanaraman
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Ability to customize the body of Idea Portal notifications
We have a private portal where we allow all customers to share ideas, and we mask user names for confidentiality reasons. However the Comment notification email includes Commenter name in the body of the email and cannot be removed. Providing the ...
Wes Gillette
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Add "submit an idea to Aha!" option to your support interface
It would be helpful to have an selection option to "submit an idea to Aha!" directly in the tool interface, potentially under the support or resources sections when you hover over the (?) icon on the top right. Ideally the selection would take you...
Reut Levi
almost 4 years ago
in Application
It would be great if when reporting on Feature>Details if you had the ability to toggle which fields were shown in the notebook view so you can hide key fields for external audiences.
I need to be able to use the aha score at the requirement level
I have followed the proposed solution from roadmap.com https://www.roadmap.com/allow-separate-estimates-design-dev-qa . Please make the aha score metrics available from the requirement level to be able to make the proposed pivot when aha is setup ...
Update + Existing Features behavior on Releases Overview to be consistent with other Options for adding Features to this view
There are a couple of different ways of adding features to the Releases -> Overview/Roadmap views. The different approach have different behavior and the behavior for one of the methods is quite disruptive to the schedule. The scenarios apply w...
Allow turning off email notifications for submit-only ideas portal
My manager doesn't want to confuse users by sending them email from a totally different email address that has our company name attached to it. With the submit-only portal, would it be possible to turn off emails? I realize that users wouldn't be ...