When moving a phase or feature within a gantt chart, the system currently allows for the the dependent (child) phases/features to stay in the timeline as they currently are, but highlights the dependency in red. However, this does not show the imp...
Don Fifer
about 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Users of the features roadmap with custom financial year formats What impact would it make? Consistent financial year formatting How should it work? Features roadmap is only able to show one year on timeline i.e. where as our ac...
Toray Altas
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
The ability to select all for filters based on a key word. In the screenshot, I used the release filter but only wanted to pull one release from each workspace which was Fy22Q1. I entered that to short list the results but then had to click each one.
Fatimah Gorin
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Any team in a SAFe model What impact would it make? A roadmap for each team in one big table with a row for each team. They could draw red lines between different stories/features to indicate depedencies How should it work? See ...
The color by capability status on the roadmap is nice but it would also be very helpful for presentation purposes if you could also specify the initiative color so as to easily distinguish one from another. Would also be nice to have the same func...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add a 'capability' data record so that I can roadmap by product and/or capability
Who would benefit? Product, marketing, sales, customer success - and mostly customers What impact would it make? Besides just a list of epics and features on a roadmap, everyone would see how those align to enhancing an existing capability or addi...
Deirdre Clarke
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When using the Aha Epics Roadmap option, the releases do not visually align with the chronological timeline. This creates some dissonance when understanding when things occur. When there is space to do so on the roadmap, it would be helpful to hav...
Alia Abboud
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Link Initiative Rank to the Initiative Score for accurate Ranking
If you are looking at a Rank field, one would assume it's based on the only mathematical formula on the record. Our teams don't use the chart - we use a score - so the current Rank field is essentially useless now - when we hoped it would be linke...
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement