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Pretty / Attractive/ Professional Looking Roadmaps

Content wise, the roadmaps that we can make in aha meets our needs pretty well. We can organize the work by goals, and themes, and by quarters. We can present status and any additional details we want to include. But, what we hear from our executi...
Viktoria Jacyno over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 7 Future consideration

Display timeline on top of all pages of roadmap output

When exporting a roadmap to PNG, PDF, etc., it would be extremely valuable to have the ability to display months and quarters at the top of each page. As it stands now, there is nothing to indicate release timing outside of the first page.
Brian Anderson over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Dashboards — Allow panels to be refreshed individually

When using dashboards and making updates to records that show in a List View, the list does not refresh unless you refresh the entire page. While it is understood that constantly updating all of the panels could cause performance issues, we wonder...
Jamey Iaccino over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Allow deselection of Feature Name on the Features Roadmap

The Features roadmap currently contains the Feature Name and ID and you are not able to remove it. We have a use case where we have a custom field to capture the "marketing name" for our features that we would prefer to display on the Features Roa...
Madeleine Black over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Ability to show presentations and other information in new Dashboard

I would like to be able to show Presentations in thew new dashboard. We have a number of Models and Notes that we use for procedural documentation and these are often referenced while reviewing features etc. Having both reports and presentations i...
Donovan West over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Respect the product hierarchy in Reports

The starter roadmap can display objects (such as initiatives) in descending order according to their position in the product hierarchy. This is extremely useful when showing how high-level product line initiatives relate to lower-level initiatives...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Unlikely to implement

Vertical line on roadmap report timelines for release date

Currently when you produce an roadmap timeline report it has a vertical line representing today's date. It would be helpful to have the ability to add a line representing each release date on the roadmap.
Thomas Cruse about 8 years ago in Releases / Roadmaps 1 Will not implement

Support filtering by predefined tags field on webpages

When creating roadmaps for our company, which has multiple product teams with cross impact, we track impacted solutions with a predefined tags field. Currently, we cannot add predefined tag fields as filter options on webpages, which greatly limit...
Sonia Singh over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

please add filtering by 'assigned to' to the roadmap

Who would benefit? me What impact would it make? makes the roadmap feature more flexible How should it work? just add a filter option to the existing filters
Guest about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 5 Already exists

Show Release Date (external) on Gantt chart

Currently , only the internal release date can feature in a Gantt chart for a given release. Our internal and external release dates are different, so we would like to indicate this on a Gantt chart - only showing the internal release date in symb...
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration