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Competitor logos on custom charts

If I want more than a magic quadrant chart (like a different kind of bubble chart), it would be helpful to be able to show logos as a label on the custom chart instead of a text label.
Mike Mitchell over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Disable idea's portal self registration

As we are looking to enable SSO, we don't want the ability to people to self register as we want them to be a customer of our product first.
Guest almost 9 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Notebook access for Ideas Portal users

We have users that are Ideas Portal users but that do not have logins to Aha. We would like to publish notebooks that the ideas portal users may see and review. We do not really want to open the notebooks to anyone that can access the URL. And, we...
Alan Dunkerley almost 9 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Unlikely to implement

Filter Product / Line Listing

When you have a large list of products/lines, it can be difficult to navigate to what you are looking for on the listings page here Adding a smart search box to this page that instantly narrows down t...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Add an optional user-persona property to all portal-users.

Because user-persona is critical to our idea analysis and in general our portal users are intrinsically a specific user-person, I would like to be able to associate a portal user with a user-persona so that they never have to or get to pick user-p...
Guest over 4 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Ability to specify the date granularity on an axis when creating charts (e.g. day or summarize into weeks or months)

I would like to create a chart for a dashboard that shows the number of features with a status change to "released" in the past 3 months. However, when I do the x-axis of the chart shows individual transition dates while I would like to have it su...
Greg Horlacher over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

add custom date/timestamp label to output of "Manual snapshot"

Seems to me that most owners/publishers will desire the *option* to place an explicit date/timestamp on the output itself… in a fashion similar to the one suggested in exchanges with your webinar team: ‘As of XX/XX’ convention. Perhaps you actuall...
Guest over 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Include contextual information with Todos in summary email

Currently Todo's in the summary email do not include any contextual information - for instance a Todo attached to a feature, does not include that feature name. Often when I am writing Todo's I will assume that context, so for instance a Todo migh...
Guest almost 9 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Sending Feature to Pivotal Tracker should send story point Estimate

When Story Points are added to a story in PT, they are updated in Aha. This is great. However, it would also be nice if the Feature estimate in Aha (if specified in Story Points) was also sent to PT when the feature is pushed using the Action ->...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Already exists

Add a refresh button to the Integration Log messages modal

It would be helpful to have a refresh button within the modal to see updated log messages rather than having to close and re-open the modal each time an integration change is made.
Guest over 4 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration