Not show the status of the product line in the Feature>Workflow view
Right now the product line uses the default status and there is no way to customise the status, this brings the following issue according to me. In Features > Workflow view: I want to filter on the master release to quickly select all my sub-re...
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
competitors : add custom dimensions to be used on matrix
I need custom fields in competitors, just the dame way as it works for features.
Also, I want to be able to use them in the matrix as filters.
As an example, I might want to setup different competition strength depending on the country we operate.
Jean-Baptiste Théard
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Usability: copy button for Terminologies in 'configure idea portals'
In the 'Configure idea portal' you can change Terminology. There are about 30 items you can change, but there is no possibility to copy Terminology from another Idea portal. That means you have to change all items by hand. That's not efficient and...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Effort is put into defining Personas that provides the relationship to product and feature - this is constant and should not have to be multiply inserted. In developing a Feature, for example, it is essential that the developer is aware of and use...
Access personas custom fields from initiatives in reports column chooser
I have added a custom field to my epics (initiatives) called EngineerB. That custom field is of type persona. I also added a custom field to my personas called Engineering Team. I am trying to look at my epics by EngineerB (persona); put another w...
Melissa Hopkins
about 9 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Currently companies must be added 1 by 1 when using proxy voting. However, when a B2B organization has a large customer base it can be quite difficult/time consuming to get all those items in.
Dael Jackson
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Need option to search by Asset ID or Asset Name in MyAsset application
When we are setting up Repair owner in the application, presently option is to select equipment ids from the drop down list. Their we would need option to search & select an equipment id via Asset ID or Asset name. Or provide a link from Equip...
Rename the "button" name in Engineer login of MyAsset application
When an incident is assigned to an engineer, they are expected to accept that incident. To accept the button field name populates as "Take". Request is to rename the filed to "Accept"
We need a way to cut off the slide at the edge of the slide even though the image goes over. For example we have a slide that I’ve purposely stretched it out in a way for the Pie chart to be this particular size and be in the center of the availab...
Initiative progress field calculation by completed master features
A common agile practice is to track progress by the burn up of completed things. I see there is already this kind of calculation for completed features. Need the same thinking to be applied to tracking initiative progress by calculating subordinat...
Richard M
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement