Request: Adding an option to allow automation for voting engine to allow vote retrieval upon status change Use-case: when using vote quota, we'd like to customers who voted for a "will not implement / wont do" idea to retrieve their votes back in ...
Moran Alony
almost 3 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Include Aha Idea # in Idea title and be searchable
It would be helpful to include the Aha idea number concatenated to the title and be searchable and to surface the full date including the year on the portal display tabs. It would also help to know when the anticipated timing of a release of ideas...
almost 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
It would be valuable to be able to execution against a capacity plan. I envision that this would involved being able to snap a baseline once you're settled on a capacity model. Then as you make changes during execution in terms of timing of delive...
Mike Wachal
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
We want to ensure that the calculation of progress can not be overwritten, and would like to be able to set as a workspace admin without ability to edit by users.
Shawna Wilson
almost 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I have a custom "Type" field for Goals. As I am unable to update the Card for goals to display that Type, I plan to use color to easily distinguish my goal types. It would be nice to use automation to update color (i.e. when Goal type is set at X,...
Kody Chappell
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
When your workspace is connected to an integration, there should be a setting on that workspace that can be turned on so that all items created, edited, updated, linked, and any activity happens in aHa automatically sync with the integration. Toda...
Frank S
almost 3 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
I can bulk upload a backlog of epics, features, etc. at a workspace, but not at a product line workspace. This means hand adding all the Portfolio Epics and Program Epics that belong to a Product Line.
Marcie Gardner
almost 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow Cmd/Ctrl+Left Click to open a new tab as normal
For some reason, Cmd/Ctrl+Left Click works different in Aha! than on other sites. Everywhere else, it does the same thing as middle-click or right-click | Open Link in New Tab.. it opens the resource I'm clicking on in a new browser tab. For some ...
Michael Prescott
almost 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration