Multiple Dependency Definitions appear in Gantt Chart Report
Today within the Gantt Chart view, the only Dependency Type that appears to be captured is "Dependent On" or "Dependency Of". This neglects other dependency types. All types should be included in this view
Josh Tambor
almost 5 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Future consideration
If a new workflow is applied to a workspace, update any affected Automation rules
When you select a new status workflow for a workspace (any record type) it forces you to remap existing statuses to the new statuses. We should also update any automations to use the new statuses using the mapping the user selected when changing t...
Todd Meyer
almost 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Hello we have some worksheets we are using to input our KPIs.As we are a German company we use the European standards for number formatting which is dot for thousand separator and comma for decimals. Is there any way to have this a standard for ou...
Laura Chinellato
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
Ability to add new records and search a custom table all from one screen.
Today, you can go to Product-> Custom Tables to Add but you can't search across the pages there. You can also create a list report with a filter to search BUT you can't add a new customer to that custom table from there. It would be useful to b...
almost 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Many times I find myself wishing I could drag/drop list items in a bulleted/numbered/checkbox list. I've seen some apps that support this, it'd be really slick if we could do it too.
Todd Meyer
12 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
On the feature board, in the small card size view, adding feature type icons would make it a much better view for getting an idea of what's going on in a release. Would be a nice alternative to text description of feature for the large card size v...
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
in Backlogs
Future consideration
It would be really nice to have the option to create an export with direct links items initiatives) that included a hyperlink back to the details page of the item. I have several reports that require an Aha export to be included with other materia...
almost 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Ability to Lock *Account* Layouts / Workflows / Scorecards
Use Case: We have Enterprise Layouts / Workflows / Scorecards that we would like to lock so that only a 'Collaborator' or Full Account Admin could unlock before updating / deleting Examples: We have a Scorecard that is the default that we do not w...
Karla Johnson
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Resource capacity leveling for individuals and Teams
Add leveling options for as soon as possible (front loaded), Level across the duration, As late as possible (back loaded), and Manual. Currently, leveling is only front loaded which makes it difficult to manage a resource who spends 10% on support...
Gary Fitzgerald
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration