Allow the admin to show/hide the 'edit ideas' button
Editing is useful for typos and such but if the context of an idea in the idea portal gets changed it may lose its relevance to the promoted feature - dollar value, customer name, or even category.
Curtis Wiseman
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Currently a billing admin can provide the PO number when adding seats in an Aha! account which is great but it would also be good to show a preview of how much will be owed so that they can generate the PO accordingly.
Peter Whisenant
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I would like to use AI to add to, and update the information in my competitor list (>Strategy>Competitors): company web page and video summaries company size and valuation
feature lists
pricing user feedback
In addition, the AI could sug...
Chris Taylor
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
You should allow the possibility to increase the size of tiles in User Story Maps, like 2X , 4X, 8X. User stories are so long that it's hard to distinguish them with the starting words, are they are all similar. Thanks
over 2 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Remove white space on custom report roadmap column/rows on leftside (make more condense)
The custom report roadmaps with visual bars have the ability to add column/row data on left hand side. However, there is significant white space which makes the report bigger than it needs to be. Is there a way to condense it?
about 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Remove 'created on date' from header in PDF view of a presentation
When generating a PDF view of a presentation the header shows a created on date. I don't want this to show but there are no options in the settings to remove this.
Dan Jeffery
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Hi Aha,
We have created list custom fields but when the list is displayed in the application (for idea, feature or release), the list of values isn't sorted. When you have a long list, it is very difficul to retreive the good value.
Can you add th...
over 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
When doing a search the results are displayed showing the product, aha number, Name, status, description and last updated. It would be helpful to be able to add fields to this quick display. For example, I search often to see what release a featur...
John Barry
about 4 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
To Show year only once along the axis in a bar chart when we represent data by year and month
currently when we use year field in a bar chart it gets displayed for all the month bars along the axis, it will be looking good if it displays only once (grouped for all months) along the axis.
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration