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Add a Search URL to support Chrome Search Engines

For all of my commonly used web applications (JIRA, Salesforce, Confluence) the search results are on a page with a specific URL. This allows me to create a Chrome 'search engine' so I can search without first navigating to the app. For example, I...
Michael Prescott almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Already exists

Gantt Chart Sorting Options

Some addtional options for sorting would be nice on the Gantt Chart view... Epics Rank Features Score Dependencies (blockers first, then features blocked by those etc, no dependencies last?)
Joe Hart almost 3 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Link from mobile app to AHA mobile app idea

We are building a proprietary mobile app for our organization and we would like to add the ability for our APP to link directly to the AHA mobile app idea capture
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Control which fields a Develop user can update in a record in a Roadmaps workspace

Currently when an Aha! Roadmaps record is assigned to a Develop team that gives anyone with contributor permissions in the Develop team access to edit any field on the record (even those in the Roadmaps layout). I'd like a way to control this more...
Erin Ward almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 1 Future consideration

Pivot Chart: Expandable Rows / Group by Rows

When you create Pivot you would like to have totals per groups and be able to expand 2nd level columns to see further detail. If I have a PivotTable which is showing information on Epic Level, I would like to expand this column so that I can see t...
Christophe Bucheli almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Change the prefix of a Team

Workspaces allow users to update/change the name AND the prefix. Similar for a Team I would like to change the prefix of the team. right now the only work around is to delete the team and rebuild everything.
DataGuy almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 0 Future consideration

Copy integration mappings for records at the same hierarchy level

When configuring an integration between Aha! and a development tool, you decide what records in Aha! map to what records in the development tool and map the individual fields. It's common to have multiple record types in a development system at th...
Emily Yankush over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Search Integration Name by Blank

Currently trying to search for any features created with no integration Name / Jira Key. Being able to search for 'Is Blank' on no Integration Name will allow me to build the report I need.
Paven Bains almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Include outgoing dependencies in the "Other dependencies" timeline view

The "Other dependencies" section in roadmap views currently only includes incoming dependencies ('dependency of' relationship). We would like to see outgoing dependencies shown here as well ('depends on' relationship).
Mike Jacobson about 2 years ago in Dependencies 0 Future consideration

forcing portal users to rank ideas

portal users can obviously vote on any idea but there needs to be a feature that forces them to rank/prioritize the ideas they have voted on so they get to play their own product manager and make the tough calls on which of their ideas is most imp...
Amod P about 4 years ago in Voting 2 Future consideration