Converting sticky notes to other record types should not bypass any required fields processes
When converting sticky notes in a whiteboard to other record types, we don't want users to be able to bypass required field entry for those record types. I have found other areas within Aha! where required field entry can be bypassed when creating...
Emily Millman
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Add better error handling for 'unhandled error exceptions'
When using AHA to integrate with other platforms such as Jira, sometimes fields are not mapped correctly due to either changes in Jira or custom fields in AHA. When this mismatch happens, we are only presented with 'unhandled error exception. Plea...
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Aha! Scorecard on Release apply to Master Features and Features
Title. Allow an "Aha! Score" which is applied at the "release" level to allow apply and synchronize to the "linked" Master Features / Features for Product Workspaces.
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Automatically update roll-up release name in integrations
Who would benefit? Teams using roll-up releases extensively. What impact would it make? Easily keeping everyone informed of launch details. How should it work? When the user updates the name of the roll-up release, it should be updated in any mapp...
Nico Arias-Gonzalez
11 months ago
in Integrations / Jira
Future consideration
Worksheet support for filters on multi-select custom fields
Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers who use worksheets What impact would it make? Greater flexibility when reporting on data How should it work? Use case: I want to count the number of proxy votes on an idea, filtered by proxy votes with “Mod...
Dale Potter
11 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
In Develop, allow items imported from dev tools to be added to Product work
Who would benefit? Users who receive product requests via GitHub or similar What impact would it make? It would allow to add both Product- and Engineering-related items from importer extensions How should it work? When dragging an item from the im...
Alexey Zimarev
11 months ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
Enable navigation within a whiteboard by extending 'copy link to object' feature
Who would benefit? All whiteboard users: designers, facilitators, cross-functional teams, workshop participants, Guest users... What impact would it make? Improve navigation between different parts of a whiteboard, for example as part of pre-struc...
Ian Babelon
11 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
It would be incredibly helpful to be able to filter a report based on a list of specific reference num values (we especially need this at the feature level, but I imagine this would be useful for all objects). Ideally this would be a list of exist...
Gene Lewin
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
For security reasons, we cannot have Aha! set to "allow anyone to access." Still, we need the ability to provide a seamless experience for our Executives and users to derive value from the Aha! data. We want to be able to display these in Tableau ...
over 1 year ago
in Wanted
Future consideration