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Aha/Rally Feature mapping for Refined status

We currently have no way for Rally to tell Aha that a feature is fully groomed. This would help considerably to give Product team visibility to the feature grooming status in AHA for PI Planning and priority alignment. Aha has a feature status of ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features / Rally 0 Future consideration

Add Boolean Field mapping for Rally 2.0 Integration

Currently, there is no way to map Boolean fields in Rally to Predefined Choice fields in Aha. A Boolean field in Rally can only be mapped to a text field or a few other options like Aha Rank, and can only bring the data from Rally to Aha, not the ...
Stephen McAdams over 2 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Sync Sprints betweeen Aha! and Rally

As product owners use Aha as the primary repository to develop and track their roadmap, they want to enhance their planning phase by improving the existing configuration between Aha and Rally. Currently, capabilities, features, and user stories ar...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Rally Integration - Rewording Excluded Child Updates

As a Rally Admin, this wording can be be quite confusing. I've had to explain it several times to users. Suggestion: Instead of Excluding, "Included Child Updates" - box is automatically checked, so users can uncheck if excluding those updates.
Victoria Morrella almost 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Add Ability to not send a specific release to Rally on Master Feature or Feature

Rally has a concept of Backlog where the Release is set as 'Unscheduled'. But there is no way in Aha! to assign a Master Feature or Feature to something like 'Unscheduled' so that the Release information does not get populated in Rally. We want to...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Rally integration at task level

In Rally, Features have a release assigned to them, but each user story from that feature will have it's own release assignment as well. Tasks added to a user story will always follow the release from the user story. In Aha, Features have a releas...
Moises Cora about 6 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Add prefixes to feature stories in Rally

When integrating with Rally using the "Feature -> User Story, Requirement -> User Story" mapping, it would be great if we could give custom prefixes to the feature stories names in Rally without having those prefixes displayed in Aha. We use...
Bryan Crist over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow integration with Rally calculated fields

It is not currently possible to map to Rally calculated fields in the integration with Aha! Roadmaps, but it would be useful to be able to do so (for example, to map to a field that calculates).
Russell Glenn almost 3 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Integrate to-dos with Rally tasks

It would be great if the "to-do's" in AHA Requirements, can be mapped to Rally as "to-do's" in the users stories. And, update both ways if marked as completed. Here is a similar idea for Azure DevOps; it would be great to see this for Rally as wel...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Progress Bar based on Integration as a selection

We use integrations to calculate the 'Feature % Complete' which updates the ‘Progress Bar’ automatically but we have to select the progress to be set to 'Manual'. We want to update the visualize progress on a roadmap selections by adding the ‘Prog...
Mike Jacobson almost 4 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration