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Option to customise To Do calendar view cards to display the 'belongs to' information

It would be great if the calendar view for To Do's would allow me to display the 'belongs to' information on the cards. Refer to attached screen shot.
Julienne Cachia Musu` almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add ability to restore to-dos from the recycle bin

When a to-do is deleted, it cannot be restored from the recycle bin. This request is to add the ability to restore to-dos.
Emily Yankush almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add "Requirement" option in work request drop-down

While creating dependency on another workspace, the aha record needs to be tagged at requirement level. It would be great to see that option considering the high usage of work request related to requirements.
Isha Khurana about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Hide/Show Function for Completed To Dos on Initiatives & Releases

Allow Contributors to Hide/Show completed To Dos on an initiative or release. At times the list of completed to dos can become extensive and an option to toggle and view only what is open/active would be helpful.
Laura Ellefsen about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Run a report to identify users assigned to receive work requests

We are using work requests to share requirements across workspaces. Since users who will receive work requests must have at least View rights to the sending workspace, it would be useful to know who will receive the request to make sure their righ...
Guest about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

To-do filters and automatically have the to-do's move to the bottom as completed or vice versa.

Hello, My team would find it very useful to be able to organize to do's by completed easier. Also, a way to filter through the to do's without having to create a report. When they are so many to-do's per one requirement. Also, the to do due date t...
Madi R about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

ability to filter to-do list report by To-Do record

Allows users to manage large cross-functional team tasks when you have to manage enterprise portfolios, programs, and products.
Candice C about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

ability to report on ALL To-Dos across record types

Ability to create a single report of ALL to-dos regardless of whether it is associated with a Note, Schedule, Schedule Phase, Schedule Milestone, Epic, Activity, Feature, Requirement, My Work, etc. Ability to filter To-dos by To-do Record.
Candice C about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Bulk accept Work Requests/To-Dos

If there are a number of to-dos (work requests specifically) that I know I will approve all of them, there should be a way to "bulk" accept and approve all the to-dos to create the new records. This would save time for our product managers
Danielle Martinez about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add multi-select option to To-do's after you save

When you first add a work request or to-do you get the option to assign it to multiple workspaces/users from a list; however, if you save the work request/to-do you can only add new workspaces one by one and the check-box is missing. It would be g...
Chris Quigley about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration