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Add option to transfer work request name to resulting record

With this idea, it became possible to automatically add the description from the work request when accepting and promoting: It would be helpful to have the same option for the name of the resulting record. ...
Reilly O'Connor almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Workspace - user search funcion

When a user has the custom role of owner and is a work request designee, it is not displayed on the Workspace > Users page as text. This doesn't give an accurate picture of user roles when searching nor does it tell you who the work request wil...
Melody Gibson almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow filtering to-dos by "to-do record"

My team uses to-dos to track non-development/engineering tasks that need to completed. We'd love to filter to-dos in a list report by the associated record, so we can look at the to-dos specifically on initiatives, releases, epics, etc. to match t...
David I. almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Rejected approvals should be visible with a different icon instead of thumbs up

Hi, when reviewing the approval cards. Users easily mistake an approval for a rejection
Guest almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Internal users should be able to create To-dos for Ideas and assign them to Ideas Portal users.

We need a more structured way to collaborate with submitters of Ideas from our customer (external) users. Currently we can only converse via Comments. We'd like to be able to assign To-dos to (private) portal users so that they can review and acce...
David Barber almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Display all to do's to owner and assign primary assignee

Currently you only see to do's which you created or which you were assigned to you. As an owner, I want to see all to do's planned in my team, without having to be assigned. Currently I need to assign multiple people just to let them know that the...
Guest about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Sort the to-do items that don't have a due-date assigned alphabetically

Sort the to-do items that don't have a due-date assigned alphabetically, when the overall my work \ to-do item view is set to By Due Date.
Richard Price about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Option to customise To Do calendar view cards to display the 'belongs to' information

It would be great if the calendar view for To Do's would allow me to display the 'belongs to' information on the cards. Refer to attached screen shot.
Julienne Cachia Musu` about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add ability to restore to-dos from the recycle bin

When a to-do is deleted, it cannot be restored from the recycle bin. This request is to add the ability to restore to-dos.
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add "Requirement" option in work request drop-down

While creating dependency on another workspace, the aha record needs to be tagged at requirement level. It would be great to see that option considering the high usage of work request related to requirements.
Isha Khurana about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration