It would be very beneficial to be able to filter notifications by the author as this will help get the information more quickly when having many users using the system and need to locate a notification by a specific user.
Add "@watchers" as shortcut to all users who watch the record
"@watchers" will automatically populated all users who watch the record, so when writing a comment with "@watchers", it will become @userA, @userB, etc. I know watchers receive automatically the notification about changes in the record, but a pers...
"Mark all read" should not mark new notifications not yet displayed.
So I was on the notifications page and, after reading the notifications and doing stuff based on them (and taking a phone call, etc.) I went back to click "Mark all read". As my finger hit the button, I saw the "New Notifications" alert. Unfortuna...
Send email notification when someone replies to an inline comment
If I create a comment inline, I do not receive any notifications if: Someone replies to the comment without @mentioning me Someone resolves the comment As the creator of an inline comment, I'm in essence creating a conversation that I'd like to be...
Make comments individual records (that can be reported on)
We want to report on comments just like we can report on ideas. Specifically I would like to create a report on how many comments a user has created (as a measure for collaboration on ideas). Today this is not possible. I can only report on ideas ...
It would be very useful to customize the e-mails. For instance, we connect our Salesforce with Aha, and it would be great to be able to a) Latest associated deal value, b) Total Salesforce Deal value, to an idea.
We have set up a workflow, that is fairly complex and has a lot of approval To-Do's. Every time, someone else pushes an idea forward, I get one email for each of the To-Do's I have been assigned. This generally are 4-8 for most steps. Getting that...
I regularly share content with colleagues and others who do not have Aha access. I do this using web pages. However, comments on that content must currently be shared in person, or by email or chat. The ability to add an open comment area on a sha...
Enhance Notification to display Idea Identification in subject line
As a user I follow many Ideas and get updates about changes. All notification messages have the same subject line and have to be opened in order to understand about which Idea the message is about. Would it be possible to add the Idea Identificati...
Prevent users of adding comments and/or to-dos in custom templates
Users get confused and add comments about the feature in the requirement card. Same happens with to-do. As a consequence, the progress is calculated wrong and the reports don’t show the information you want, like “last comment”.