Add "My Comments " filter. Now user can see on the main page: "My Ideas", "My votes", "My subscriptions", for some portals "My organization". Filter "My Comments" is not available. I propose to add this filter, so the user can see comments done b...
Today user has no possibility to make settings how he want to be informed about todo. If the user is a manager and want to see what the team are doing he need to see a daily e-mail with all todo done/changed etc. The best if this todo will be inco...
What is the challenge? We use the 'Note' field throughout our record types, including Goals, Initiatives, Features, Requirements, etc. While we can use To-Dos, it would be easier for many of our use cases to @mention someone directly in the field ...
Without having to assign someone as a workspace owner, please add a "notify user" field that will pull from the list of valid users for the person submitting the request to pull from. This field should allow for multiple users to be chosen to rece...
Option to Sort Comments to Show Most Recent at the Top
Some of the Comments threads in a Feature card can get relatively lengthy. Making it possible to sort the latest Comment to the top of thread (or collapse older Comments) vs. having to scroll down to the bottom of the thread of Comments would make...
Make it easier to stay on top of everything going on in Aha!
What is the challenge? In an active Aha! account, there is so much going on, it becomes very time consuming to try and filter through notifications to see what really needs your attention and then take action. Current notifications page is inconve...
Tag yourself and receive in app and email notifications
Often time during our sprint review I will tag myself in the comments so that I can come back later and perform a certain task. I would like Aha! to send me notifications (email & in app) just like it does when another user tags me using the "...