I'd like to build a slick integration between Hornbill and Aha!. Similar to the integrations you already have for Zendesk and Salesforce - we're looking to be able to create or update Ideas from Hornbill workflows, and to have Aha! provide Idea st...
over 6 years ago
in Wanted
Unlikely to implement
There are so many places to add images in Aha! - personas, models, presentations, and more.
It would be great if there were an easy way to add free stock images right into a record or presentation.
Check out Unsplash's API: https://unsplash.com/...
about 5 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
We need to link Aha! Roadmap items to other items in Sparx EA (OSLC compliant) using ArchiMate 3.1 and an OSLC connector for Aha! will enable us to do that. This connector will also enable us to link Sparx EA ArchiMate 3.1 model elements such as s...
over 3 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
We're working on an integration where we'd like to know the plan name for the product. For example we'd like to distinguish whether the plan is Ideas Advanced or Ideas Essentials. On the similar lines we'd also like to know for Roadmaps the plan n...
about 4 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
Is it possible to have the PERT chart based on the Gantt chart created for a product ?
With that it will be more easy to work on the critical path.
Thank you.
about 6 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration