Would be nice if there was a editable template place to capture roles & responsibilities related to the product. Somewhere in the overview or strategy section would be ideal. For example, IT is responsible for these actions related to this pro...
Connor Shay
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Custom field: maintaining standard pick list across Aha! functions
Problem: When defining a custom field with a pick list that you want to be exactly the same across all Aha! functions (ides, feature, releases, product and so on), you have to create, duplicate and maintain the custom field list over and over.
I a...
Bug report:
When editing the default home page selection for a user, we are not seeing our customized terminology in place, which is causing some confusion with our end users.
Thank you
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Redirect "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" Link to an internal team's email
It would be helpful to redirect the "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" link to an internal Aha team versus Aha's support site. As a larger organization, we would like to onboard all teams in a consistent manner versus some new users redirected ...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Add "scheduling" start and due dates to Product Line and Company customize feature card
I would like to have the feature due dates on all of our products, inheriting from the main company or product line, but currently the scheduling customize feature card is only available at the Product level customization, forcing me to go through...
Kyle Carpenter
almost 8 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Break out Administrator Column in User Administration
In User Administration, there is only a single flag for Administrator in the user list, however there are three administration roles. To find out who is an account administrator you have to check each account. Breaking this out for each administra...
Wes Gillette
almost 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Do not allow users to delete workflows that are still in use
Idea workflows that are still in use should not be able to be deleted from the "Configure status, workflows, and feature types" Page. Or at the very least, please warn us if we try to delete a workflow that is in use.
I mistakenly deleted the "def...
Avigail Ehrenhaus
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Restrict Access at lower levels of product hierarchy
We need to be able to restrict access at lower levels of a product hierarchy. e.g. Reviewer at BU & Division, Product Owner for Product 1, None for Product 2.
Our hierarchy is BU -> Division -> Product Line -> Product. We want everyon...
Wes Gillette
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement