Adding Validity date range to user access / authorizations
We should be able to add validity date range while giving access/authorizations to users. Many users require Aha! access for a limited period of time. This is will help us to keep the user list clean over a period of time. This also helps us to ke...
Anand Chatterjee
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Manage Users admins shouldn't be allowed to change the admin roles for themselves or other users
People in our organization are given the Manage Users admin role in order to manage the licenses associated to paid seats. However, the Manage Users admins are able to assign additional administrative privileges to themselves & other users. Am...
David I.
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Provide help with consequences of merging custom fields
The Aha! KB article on merging and converting custom fields explains that there are implications for integrations and reports when merging fields. Specifically: If an integration included the old custom field, you will need to update the field map...
Steve Dagless
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
As an independent consultant, I have recommended and assisted with the set up and configuration of Aha at Several accounts. however, I can't maintain a demo set-up so I can effectively help sell the platform for you. It would also be nice, if ther...
Jesse Stein
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Adminstering Users - Need an extra column on the user export
I think an additional column is needed on the export to indicate if the user has been disabled or not. I’m seeing my user export list grow, but the CSV doesn’t readily show you if a user has been deactivated (their original permissions stay reside...
Joe Carpenter
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Prevent non-billing admin workspace owners from adding paid seats outside their owned paid seat groups
The cure was determined to be worse than the ailment. Moved to an idea, tracked here: Currently there is an edge case where project owners are able to add users that take up paid seats outside the paid seat...
Chris Zempel
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Number of functionalities in Main Menu contain different types of views we can use. However, not all these views might be useful or updated and it would be great to have the option to choose what views we use and we don't and hide the unused ones ...
When you login in from the page it spawns a new browser page. Stop this behavior and log me in from the current tab. I did not ask for a new tab to open and this ends to an endless number of useless tabs being opened. Please change how this...
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Disabling anything to do with Time logged for 'reviewer/viewer' access levels
We have a requirement where we are using Aha for our time entry and ultimately invoicing. However currently if we share it with our clients, they can see any/all time entered immediately before PM's have had a chance to review time and determine i...
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement