Some users would prefer to contact us directly about a feature idea versus going online and submitting it for various reasons. Is there a way for us to submit an idea on behalf of a user and then send them an email asking them to sign off on it an...
Restrict Portal Users from Viewing and Voting on Specific Products
As a Product Owner/Contributor, I expect that my portal users will only provide feedback to products that they own. I do not expect them navigating to and viewing/voting on ideas on products/projects they are not associated with.
I have stakeholde...
As an Aha! Administrator, I would like to be able to manage user permissions by importing a file containing all of my preferences. This would be similar to how I can upload other data types, like features, in order to update various attributes by ...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in User management
Already exists
We want to provide the ability for our customers to share ideas, but also maintain client confidentiality. Masking client names is only possible though CSS and JavaScript which can be circumvented, and doesn't apply to email notifications. A syste...
Wes Gillette
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
I have the ability to change the API keys when creating items, but I don't have that ability in the Customs Table section. My only option right now is to delete the table and re-create it. Not a huge deal but a nice to have.
Mike Irving
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run
Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run
I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous Incidents or get people t...
Charlene Brennan
about 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Ability to turn off notifications when adding new ideas portal users
I am adding users before the ideas portal is enabled but right now there is no way to turn off notifications when the users are created ... we should be able to have the option to turn off notifications or only send notifications when the portal i...
Michel Besner
over 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Be able to choose from users across idea portals when changing the idea creator
This surfaced as being useful when a user manually added an idea for someone that they received via email and wanted to change who the idea was created by. When they went to change this, they were confused as to the available set of portal users t...
Matt Case
about 9 years ago
in User management
Already exists