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Support emojis in tags

It would be really neat if we could add emojis as a tag. The thought was that we could add items like stars and hearts to our releases to indicate which ones are really exciting to our stakeholder.
Guest about 2 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Ability to sort initiatives

We use initiatives to track packages of work - if you amend or create a new initiative as part of development, there isn't a way (currently) to be able to sort the list - any new initiative gets added to the top and can then be out of order. the o...
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Templatize Description Field / Sync Custom Fields to GitHub

Our devs ask that when we submit features that we provide them with a Who, What and a Why since it helps them with context. I created a custom template with those fields but they do not sync to GitHub. It would be cool to either allow users to cre...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Worksheet field supporting CAD currency.

As a Canadian organization it is difficult that the worksheet fields do not currently support Canadian currency. Having this implemented would be very beneficial for us.
Guest over 4 years ago in  5 Already exists

Updating Feature Release when Fix Version of an Epic in Jira is made

As a user of Jira, we update the Fix Version of Epics. This does not reflect in Aha! in the Release unless we also add some data in another field such as description. This is very frustrating for users of Jira and Aha! as they should be able to up...
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Improve control of Ideas panel fields (order of fields)

As a product manager, I would like to have more control of the Ideas panel, so that I can better structure the ideas panel for different products. As currently implemented, I don't believe I am able to make changes to the order in which ideas are ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Create a report with all implemented ideas including admin comments

I sometimes want to share a list of all the ideas we've last implemented since we talked to a particular customer. I often use a report created in Aha as a starting point, since it's very easy to list all ideas with status implemented. We even hav...
Tobias Lehtipalo over 2 years ago in Notes 3 Already exists

Sort releases by date in Roadmaps

Releases, when displayed on Roadmaps, should sort by release date, not alphabetically
David Strathy-Miller over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Already exists

Separate Employee & Client Visibility in the Ideas Portal

When my co-workers submit their product gripes on our internal ideas portal, I want it to be internally visible only by default.
Ross Reynolds (External) about 9 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Portfolio overview improvements for long projects

Some features in the home screen portfolio overview are not optimized for long running product development: 1) View is limited to 2 years. Our need is up-to 7 years! Minimum 4 years. 2) Each bar should have it's title always visible. Now it is o...
Guest about 9 years ago in  1 Already exists