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Add status filter to Github importer

The importer shows all repository issues, including closed issues. It also doesn't show what the issue status is, so we must click through them to find those we want to import. I suggest: adding a status filter, set it to show open issues only sho...
Alexey Zimarev 10 months ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

When a feature is sent to Github that has images attached, can the images be shown inline rather than as links?

When I send a feature to Github that has images attached, the images show up in Github as links rather than inline which is how they would show up if I had created the feature in Github. It's easier and cleaner for our developers to see the images...
Guest almost 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Already exists

Support Syncing of Requirement Tags To Github

Who would benefit? Anyone with a GitHub Integration What impact would it make? Right now, the syncing of an Aha! Item Requirement's tag is not supported. This means any requirement that the visibility of tags on a requirement is lost in GitHub if ...
Guest about 1 year ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

GitHub Integration: Aha! Release to Github Release mapping

As a product manager setting up my GitHub integration, I want to map Aha releases to GitHub releases directly, to avoid confusing developers and make Aha adoption less painful.
Guest about 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

Allow GitHub EE synchronization to filter by label

As an Aha user and git user I often want to sync certain stories or issues from github but not others. introducing a filter by label would allow me to sync a subset of issues only and avoid the confusion of task and bug issues in my Product tool. ...
Guest about 3 years ago in GitHub 1 Future consideration

Sync iteration fields from GitHub to

Hey, GitHub projects/issues support a new field type: iterations. With these iterations you can model sprints for sprint planning. However, custom fields of this type do not show up in the field mapping list for GitHub-integration in (yes, ...
Guest over 1 year ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

Provide the ability to ingest issues created directly in a linked Github repository

I am currently utilizing Aha! and have it linked to several of our team's Github repos. The functionality to create issues in Aha and send to to Github works great. However we often have cases where issues get created in repos directly. When those...
Guest over 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Unlikely to implement

GitHub integration automatic log time upon linked issue completion

The intended use of GH integration is the following: Create features in Aha Push to GitHub as a handover of control to engineering Updates in GitHub trigger status changed in Aha This is a good start. If control is passed to engineering to manag...
Guest about 8 years ago in GitHub 2 Already exists

Add the ability to combine fields with GitHub Integration

We need the ability to send more information from Aha to GitHub, this would include the Due Date.   We need the ability to combine fields from Aha to a single GitHub Field.   E.g.   Send Title + Due Date in Aha to the Title Field in...
George Champlin-Scharff over 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

Github integrations - exclude some records

We use the Github integration for a few of our projects. I have it configured to import Features to Issues and Requirements to Issues. It would be very helpful to exclude some records during the import process. For example, I recently sent a Featu...
Guest over 6 years ago in GitHub 2 Future consideration