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Excel Transfer to Jira

Who would benefit? Developers What impact would it make? Better requirements How should it work? Excel transfer to Jira because Jira does not support merged cells
Guest about 1 year ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Support mapping Asset object fields through Jira integration

Who would benefit? Customers using the Asset object through Jira Service Management. What impact would it make? When these Asset fields are added to Jira issue screens, this would allow users to map these fields to Aha! fields through the Jira int...
Stephanie Lechner about 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Jira Integrations: Map Aha Releases to a custom Jira Version Field

Who would benefit? Any Aha customer with jira integration that uses a separate jira field that has version data as values to enter. In my jira project I use a different field (other than fix version) to track what release our features will release...
Kyle Shannon about 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Improving handling when Jira users change issue type across record hierarchy

Who would benefit? Users of Jira integration What impact would it make? Users who are changing issue types in Jira after records are integrated. How should it work? Right now, if a Jira user changes an issue type on an integrated record, the integ...
Stephanie Lechner about 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Allow editing to wiki-rendered fields in Jira

Who would benefit? Jira integration users What impact would it make? Currently Jira is sending broken formatting when fields leverage wiki-rendering with tables How should it work? If a user makes an edit to a table in Jira on a wiki-rendered fiel...
Stephanie Lechner over 1 year ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Add more filters to integrations import

Who would benefit? aha admins What impact would it make? keeping Aha in sync with JIRA on the release. This would also help other internal stakeholders informed. How should it work? The integrations import desperately needs additional filtering cr...
Shri Iyer over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Allow one-way mapping of calculated/read only Jira fields into Aha

Who would benefit? Aha users needing to see Jira data that is not editable in Jira What impact would it make? In our case, allow us to use engineering estimation data in Aha scorecard calculations. How should it work? The current Aha-Jira integrat...
Mike Wachal over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Add option to show additional columns/fields in "Integration updates" window for Jira

The "Integration updates" window currently only shows the issue summary of incoming issues. Presumably the JSON payload being received by Aha contains the full set of information for the incoming issue ... it would be incredibly valuable to be abl...
Gene Lewin over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Add better error handling for 'unhandled error exceptions'

When using AHA to integrate with other platforms such as Jira, sometimes fields are not mapped correctly due to either changes in Jira or custom fields in AHA. When this mismatch happens, we are only presented with 'unhandled error exception. Plea...
Guest over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Please make the Jira Integration Ticket Link clickable

Please make the Jira Integration Ticket Link clickable, so it launches Jira
Guest over 1 year ago in Jira 1 Already exists