It would be helpful if Requirements were built out so that they can be imported from jira 2.0 AND moved from feature to feature as easily and features are moved betweeen master features.
Kaylee gervasi
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
Manual selection of items selected for import from Jira
As a user of Aha! and Jira I want to be able to select the items that get imported from Jira so that I can more easily coordinate and synchronise the data held in the two products.
There are two main tools that allow data to be brought into Aha! f...
almost 7 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
In 1.0, when using a template, you could choose what fields/behaviors to inherit from the template, and which to customize for that particular integration. This was useful for custom fields (now using a constant in 2.0) which will change from prod...
Max Cascone
almost 7 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
When creating integrations to Jira (master features and features to Epics and stories, within in several Jira board in the same instance) the first created epic in Jira should be the only epic created. Not one per integration/Board. At it is set u...
Have the option in the integration settings to sync release with sprints in Jira There is no current way to represent a sprint in Aha yet that is how most people develop these days Currently whenever I move features between releases I have to manu...
over 3 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
Integration error: "Review the errors" link should show the error
When sending an Aha record to Jira and there’s an error, a message appears with a “Review the errors” link. This opens up the Integration Updates modal. From this page, it's not obvious that you can view the error by hovering over the info icon to...
Brian Trombley
over 3 years ago
in Integrations / Jira
Future consideration
Ability to remove stories that are in the integration from Aha!
Often times we only want a subset of what's in Aha! in our JIRA project. In some cases, when things get deprioritized, we want to remove them from JIRA but keep them in Aha! Would love the ability to do that FROM Aha! because keeping things in syn...
over 3 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow integration of Custom Fields to any Jira Field of a supported field type
We have a process where we track issues reported by Release. Our issues come via Cases in Salesforce, which are then pushed as an Feature in Aha which captures the Affected Version in a custom field.
We would like to push this custom field valu...