On some occasions we will end up with multiple JIRA tickets for the same item in AHA. We'd like to be able to track each of these in Aha, but most importantly be able to pull the time tracking data into aha across all of the tickets.
over 8 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
It's possible to create Features and Ideas based on triggering events in Zapier, but often it's the Requirement level in Aha! that gets mapped to individual stories in other tools, not Features.
It should also be possible to have Zaps that will cr...
Bret Mogilefsky
over 8 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Support adding an integration id to a new feature/idea from Zapier
It's possible to create a new Feature or Idea in Aha! when something happens via Zapier (eg Trello card or GitHub issue created), but there's no way to link the new artifact back to the triggering artifact, even if the triggering item is in a conf...
Bret Mogilefsky
over 8 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Useful to keep users of JIRA and Aha in sync between systems without managing Watchers across installations.
I've noticed that @ mentions in Aha! do not match the JIRA username on comments. I want to ensure that JIRA users are notified when I @ me...
Ryan Schultz
over 8 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
We use parature as our system for managing customer support tickets including logging bugs. We would like the ability to push customer logged bugs from Parature directly to Aha so that customers can be made aware of bugs logged by other customers,...
over 8 years ago
in Wanted
Unlikely to implement
If you add Github Issues integration with a Github account that requires 2-factor authentication, the integration fails. It would be good to support this.
almost 9 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
"Do you want to sync features as well?" (for Jira/Aha integration)
In my organization we need to sync features and releases in Aha to two different Jira projects. One project receives 100% of the features and releases - perfect 1:1 sync. But the other project is only for features that rely on the design team. So ...
Byrne Reese
over 4 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
So often tickets stop syncing between JIRA & Aha! for one reason or another and yes, I understand there is an Integration Updates modal, but when you are working in a ticket, I should get a little error icon next to the link, in the record, if...
over 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Map user profile pictures from Salesforce community to Aha Ideas portal!
We want a seamless experience for our customers that are logged into our Salesforce community. Users have the ability to set their avatars in the Salesforce community but when they flow into the Aha ideas portal their avatar is not transferred ove...
Andrew C
about 9 years ago
in Salesforce
Unlikely to implement
Ability to execute a AzureDevOps query and display results in charts on Aha Dashboard
For the teams who uses AzureDevOps as ALM tool , It would be great flexibility to view a snapshot of the query results on the Aha dashboard. It does not need to be sync but can be pulled async.