We have in my organisation started to use MarvelApp for Wireframe and UI designs for our products. MarvelApp can already today integrate to JIRA but as I am using Aha for the Backlog and backlog refinement and JIRA for the sprint backlog I would p...
almost 8 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
Importing data from Rally to Aha using “Import Records – Grid query” functionality
When we import data from Rally into Aha using “Import records – Grid query” functionality it does not give option to select a release in that workspace but rather imports all the data into a Parking lot. Users have to manually move all that import...
Karla Johnson
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
use Jira credentials of the user to record changes in Jira
In the Aha! user profile, request the Jira credentials of the user. When making updates to Jira tickets, use these credentials so that we can see in the JIra ticket who actually mae the update. Kendis does this.
almost 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Integration with JIRA needs better Error handling support
Aha! integration with JIRA does not notify users on errors that would have happened during the integration (i.e. push/pull). This keeps the users in dark on what would have gone wrong and requires manual intervention to detect errors.
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When sending work items Azure Boards, bulleted lists don't work properly in Azure. If I have a bulleted list in Aha, tabbing the bulleted list in Azure does not increase the level of the bullets. It just adds tabbed space between the text and the ...
We are an outsourced product management company, so we have alot of integrations to alot of our customers. We have found that when an individual in one of our customers orgs makes a comment, the comment text is sync'd, but the name of the person w...
Rally Integration - Add Column for Rally Format ID
As we're preparing for an import of records & Rally integration set up, It would be helpful to add a column with the Rally Format ID also as it helps align & track easier than just the name & Record ID
Victoria Morrella
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
I want to be notified, in fact I want my whole team to be across new Ideas as they come in from customers, in a slack channel.
Currently I can only subscribe to logged in user events for slack notifications, anonymous users who log the ideas do ...
almost 8 years ago
in Slack
Already exists
Filter or type search the "Integration" list when sending/linking records with a development tool
We have multiple integrations in place in our workspace, and when pushing a release from Aha! to Jira, there is a long list of integrations to pick from. The problem is that there is no way to sort or filter the listed integrations, so you have to...
Dale Potter
about 4 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Ability to add integration links (Visual Studio) to Aha Features
Quite often we have existing User Stories (Features) in Visual Studio, that I then want to manage within Aha. I cannot appear do this without the feature being first created in Aha and then sync'd with VSO.
Ideally we would have everything origin...
David Cordner
about 8 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists