Request: Adding an option to allow automation for voting engine to allow vote retrieval upon status change Use-case: when using vote quota, we'd like to customers who voted for a "will not implement / wont do" idea to retrieve their votes back in ...
Moran Alony
over 2 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Include Aha Idea # in Idea title and be searchable
It would be helpful to include the Aha idea number concatenated to the title and be searchable and to surface the full date including the year on the portal display tabs. It would also help to know when the anticipated timing of a release of ideas...
over 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Widget that could be added to the Ideas Portal Form that would give "results" for a self-made quiz or assessment within the form. The form would then report the results of the assessment with the form submission to allocate a quiz and an idea subm...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Enable automated tagging based on keywords in submitted secrets. This would allow the team to quickly sift through categorized ideas. For example, if the team has elected to not entertain a feature referring to x idea, when x is mentioned in an id...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Submit only ideas portal -- terminology cannot be changed on submitted screen
When using a submit only ideas portal there is part of the terminology which cannot be edited. This is inconsistent as all other areas of the ideas portal can have their terminology changed. The specific text is "It has been allocated identifier" ...
Option to one button click to expose epics to Idea Portals to get market feedback (especially for parking lot epics)
As a Product Manager, I want to copy an existing epic and paste it in the customer-facing Idea Portal so that I can get customer feedback on it in the form of votes.
The why:
For many existing epics that are residing in the Parking Lot, it would b...
about 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
If i have to list all my submitted ideas/enhancements/bugs on this portal, I click on "My request" and it gives me the below URL.... This I can't share with others.. because when others use...
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
An easy way to clear all filters on the Billing>Users page would be a great help. I've had reports of frustrated billing admins attempting to locate a user account and not realizing that they have a filter set that is eliminating the user from ...
AJ DeLisle
almost 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration