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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 5, 2016

Allow Authors the permissions to edit ideas

Often when writing up an idea you are just trying to capture it quickly, but very likely, you can make it more understandable or simpler after the creation, but Aha doesn't let me edit either the summary or the body of the idea.

This doesn't seem logical, as I've just created it, why shouldn't I be able to edit it.

    Apr 5, 2016

    This is possible today. On the idea detail page, there is an "edit idea" button which allows authors to edit their own ideas.

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    • Guest
      Apr 5, 2016

      Although, in THIS specific feature request idea, the Edit Idea button actually works, even though it looks greyed out.

    • Guest
      Apr 5, 2016

      On one of the new 'test' ideas I've entered, I see the Edit in Aha button but when I click it, it takes me to the idea page with my idea showing, but I'm unable to edit any field.

      in other ideas I've entered that are still open/active, the Edit in Aha button is greyed out.