allow user to upload CSV file of domain names to Employee/Partner Emails domain form in Ideas admin
As a product manager who administers Ideas for my implementation, I want to be able upload from file rather than pasting a list of domains so I may more speedily manage domain administration for my employee/partners to be able to self-register. Th...
Teresa Kliegerman
about 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Have nested notes transfer to folders in the idea portal
We are building out some release notes to share in our idea portal and ideally, we would like to see our nested notes show up as a 'folder' in the portal. We are already noticing the list of notes has become quite long and having a folder function...
Bailey Fischer
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
The ability to give customers a set number of votes that they can use each quarter or year. Using the functionality where votes can be configured such that users can apply multiple votes to a single idea or across multiple ideas. For example, cust...
Tanya Brusse
over 3 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
We share dashboard view to our clients for viewing ideas submitted for enhancing our product. But on dashboard there is no option to vote for an idea. Can we get an option to vote for an idea directly from dashboard.
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
add a field in reporting with the name/email address of who submitted the comment
I want to be able to report on who is making comments. which organizations, etc. So either the name of the person who added the comment or the email address of the person who made the comment.
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
For our workflow we need to have portal where customers: - must first log-in to portal (log-in form or automatically redirected via SSO) - access only submit form (don't see rest of the portal UI) - submit only one idea per session (after successf...
Mario Kusnjer
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
When a user submits an idea to the idea portal, the idea category should auto route this idea to another workspace based on the idea category it was submitted under.
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration