Disable Changing to the Next Page in Presentation by Click Left Mouse Button
In Presentation mode, clicking on the left mouse button anywhere on the screen changes it to the next page. I understand that you are trying to make this easier for a presenter to change pages vs clicking the arrows on the bottom right corner. It'...
Anthony Lau
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
There are certain report images we want to stick in notes and make some actual notes. Currently you have to export the image, upload it in the note and then add text seems like a step that shouldn't be necessary.
Nicole Hardin
about 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Show feature status in Features roadmap the same as on the board
In the normal features board view, features are ordered based on your preferences and/or manually stacked, and there's presumably a good reason for their position in the column. So it's confusing at best that the Notebook version of that page, whe...
Max Cascone
about 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Export mockups to Notebook when feature is exported
Our current worklow looks like this :
Create a Feature -> Add Requirement-> Add Mockups to Requirement-> Add Feature to Notebook -> Export Notebook as PDF -> Share Notebook with external Dev Teams (cannot use Jira or TFS right now...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Please allow us to generate a secure link that is accessible until an "Expiration Date". This would allow us to share links with external customers. And also so that the link will not work if forwarded. This gives us an option to share the present...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Have attachments in Aha export to notebook or as a an embedded file in a notebook.
We have found that there are some attachments we would like to include in our reports and need a way for people receiving them to get the file without having to send a separat
almost 8 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
I am currently providing Master Feature details on presentation slides which I share within my organization. Each slide holds a specific Master Feature. For each Master Feature I would like to show the same "Fields". Currently, on each slide I nee...
Gunnar Giesinger
almost 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration