Allow drill down into 'Related' records on Presentations and Webpage share
We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, go...
Provide Presentation Analytic Metrics on Engagement Levels
As a creator and publisher of presentations to my internal stakeholders and customers, I would like to have visibility into usage information for each presentation. Information I would want to see include page views, unique user views, and time sp...
Matt Case
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Ability to populate presentation info with Feature fields
What is the challenge? When creating a presentation, I have to manually add the fields that are in the template What is the impact? Manual repetitive effort, opportunity for automation Describe your idea When creating a presentation, allow the use...
Alyssa Menke
5 months ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Presentation view - List views don't carry over column headers
When I create a presentation (download to PDF) and I have multiple pages, I lose the header after page one. Is there a way to keep the header? Now if you scroll down to the second or any page after, you simply don't know what column data is what.
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Unfortunately 50 slides is not enough for the information that is required in our annual roadmap presentation to our board. I was disappointed to see that the presentation limits a user to only 50 slides. While I'd love to have our presentation me...
crystal wilson
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Copy Presentation - Create New Views (save me 30 hours of work)
I created a release template for universal use in the company. I also created an example Presentation that uses all the elements in the release template. Sometimes the Standard Company template requires updates, causing an update to all products. ...
Frank Fuchs
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration