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Status Future consideration
Categories Presentations
Created by Frank Fuchs
Created on Nov 18, 2020

Copy Presentation - Create New Views (save me 30 hours of work)

I created a release template for universal use in the company. I also created an example Presentation that uses all the elements in the release template.

Sometimes the Standard Company template requires updates, causing an update to all products. This is in excess of 25 workspace and products.

It would be a huge time saving if I could copy a PRESENTATION ( a fairly new enhancement) AND create VIEW COPIES at the SAME TIME.

Currently it just creates a copy of the presentation and all the views are the same. So a change in one presentation affects the copy. I need to separate there views when I create a copy of the presentation and create a new separate set of views.

Problem: When I copy the example presentation to a product specifically, all the views are still pointing to the example. To make it apply to the product I want I need to make copies of each view. Sometimes I have 3 views on a presentation page.

So the steps I need to take are:

  • Enter the presentation

  • click on the view

  • Save As the view to a new local folder

  • customize the view for the new target product

  • Save the view

  • add the view to the product presentation (it puts it at the bottom)

  • Navigate to the slide, delete the old example view, navigate to the bottom copy the view and paste it in the original spot, navigate to the bottom of the presentation and delete the slide.

This process can take 2-8 minutes per slide

Repeat for every slide ( I have 15 slides).

This take 1 hour and 15 minutes per presentation.

When a universal change occurs requiring a rework of all 25 products. I am looking at

31 Hours of work

If I could copy a presentation and have the option to:

  • Use the same views ( as it is today, because that is a Useful uses case)

  • Make new View copies in a selected folder (what I need added)

Then my work load would be eliminated. Most Offering managers are capable of setting filters on view.

I would be out of the business of setting up product groups.

All that would be required is:

  • Enter the New presentation

  • click on the view

  • Change the filters to point to the current product release.

  • Save the view


Since the rate of template change is 1 -3 times a year

This would Save me 30 - 90 hours of work or 1 - 3 weeks time a year.

  • Attach files
  • Deirdre Clarke
    May 24, 2023

    THIS! Please consider re-revaluating this request as this is a really huge pain point in our organization. People want simplicity and being able to copy a presentation and change a filter. The amount of work that is required to copy a presentation and replace all of the reports/roadmaps within is so painful, that people are just resorting back to using PowerPoint.


When copying a presentation, also create a copy of the embedded reports

Currently, when you copy a presentation, it doesn't create copies of the embedded reports - which means you need to manually open each embedded report and Save As - and re-add to the presentation, then delete the original included report. I was ex...
Julie Edwards over 2 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration