A dependency report can show what features/master features are impacted or related to other features/master features.
We have no report that shows the opposite: which features/master features are not impacted or not related to any other feature/...
Michael Faust
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Ability to hide or show a workspace parking lot in a pivot table report.
Our team uses pivot table reports shared through the webpage URL capability to provide senior leadership with a view of what's coming. Parking lot items are not ready for that level of review, but we are unable to 'hide' or even label the parking ...
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Can we have the ability to bulk edit Report Titles?Sometimes we need to preface a Report with a department name, or some other common prefix &/or suffix. Being able to bulk edit the Report titles would make this so. much. easier.
Joe Carpenter
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Would be helpful to have the ability to report on URL type fields. I wanted to create a report that determined whether the URL field was filled out on a card, but was disappointed to find I could not do a simple boolean if statement on the URL fie...
Parmeet G
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When configuring color labels for a pick list, I'd like options other than color labels. I'm building out an organizations report and I'd like some visual indicator other than color. The color options don't match exactly what shows up on the repor...
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow us to filter by Capacity fields like "Week Start"
We would like to see our work estimates by other fields not captured in the standard capacity report by creating a custom report. We are using the field "Week start" to show the estimates by month and those additional fields. However, we don't wan...
Megan Sanders
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration