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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 11, 2018

Group release phases by month start and end date for reporting

Release phase start month and end month would be great. This functionality exists for other Aha objects, but not release phases.

    Jan 7, 2025

    Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.

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  • David Ninow
    Jan 13, 2020

    Our primary executive report (currently in Excel) includes a list of features and releases down the rows, with the columns being a month (January, February, etc.). Each cell shows the milestone for that initiative (Alpha, Public Beta, GA, etc.) so one can view a cascading report of major milestones for each feature/release on the roadmap. I need to create a similar report in Aha and not being able to group Pivot columns by Release Phase/Milestone Month is a blocker. Until then, our primary exec roadmap unfortunately remains in Excel.