Bubble chart series not pulling calculated column values
What is the challenge? I've created a calculated column that I would like to reference as the series for a bubble chart however, the calculated column values are not recognized as options in the series on my bubble chart. What is the impact? The b...
Justin Waldorf
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Intelligently reduce fields shown when adding fields to a report
What is the challenge? When I am building a report, every time I go to add a field to a report, I get a dropdown showing every possible field associated with that record. Fields for every custom workflow for every workflow in the account, tons of ...
Max Robbins
12 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow drill down into 'Related' records on Presentations and Webpage share
We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, go...
Remove extra whitespace in resized embedded views when exporting to PDF
What is the challenge? If you have a note with an embedded view configured to resize to fit when publishing, there is usually extra whitespace at the bottom of any view that had to resize (wider and taller than the page). What is the impact? It lo...
Daniel Campbell
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Currently we are not able to track any changes made to reports via other user. What is the impact? Whenever there is a change to a report values or filters we are not able to track the changes. This becomes difficult to trac...
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add ability to filter on capacity plan period start
What is the challenge? Period Start is a Capacity Planning field that can be included in reports, but is not available to use as a filter. What is the impact? The report cannot be filtered down to a certain period using the Period Start date. Desc...
Ashley Tierney
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Clear Multiple or All Ranked Records on Prioritization Report
Clear Multiple Ranked Records on Prioritization Report Requirement: Multiselect ranked records to remove from ranked area. Use Case: Multiple ranked records are shipped or moved to other workspaces or parking lot, and therefore should be removed f...
Hank Liu
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Using predefined tags fields in a report calculated field
The ability to use a predefined tag field in a calculated column. For example, if null or if it contains X. You can currently do that via filters however, then your report would exclude records.
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Introduce the ability for report owners and collaborators to control access on a per-report basis
We have a need to enable SSO for shared webapges. We want to create and share reports with internal teams that they can then bookmark in their browsers. We also embed many reports within our own internal Confluence. Currently, within the webpage s...
Shannon Sauvé
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration