Currently, we go to the configure portal page, export the users and organize the data how we please in an Excel document. This process, while not a large headache, would be much more efficient if it could be easily done in Aha, so all the data sta...
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
On custom roadmaps show requirements in a feature's record links
When building a custom roadmap, you can click the icon above the roadmap bar to see related record links but Requirements are not shown when viewing a feature’s linked records. Other related records are shown but the Requirements are not.
Justin Waldorf
5 months ago
in Reports / Roadmaps
Future consideration
Use donut chart to show progress of goals, initiatives, features
Utilize the donut chart to show progress of goals, initiatives, features on the dashboard. i.e. if a goal is 19% complete, we can calculate that there is 81% remaining (using list). Then we should be able to take these two values and create a donu...
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Combine or connect "Created by Aha! user" and "Created by contact" filters
In an ideas report, there is a column called "Idea created by". Two filters currently point to this same field -- "Created by Aha! user" and "Created by contact". When you click on the "..." option on the "Idea created by" field and select "Filter...
Emily Yankush
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The release gantt chart has good functionality, but does not offer the opportunity to add custom fields. In my case, I can avoid duplication of reporting in an outside tool if I can show two custom fields for the features.
Jim Carlin
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow bar and column charts to be created from lists
In some situations it would be nice to be able to create a bar or column chart from list data. One specific scenario is a list that looks like this: Feature name Scorecard metric 1 Scorecard metric 2 Scorecard metric 3 Feature A 4 3 4 Feature B 5 ...
Austin Merritt
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
hide filters when presenting a report during a meeting
We would love a feature to hide the filters or perhaps a full screen mode to maximize real-estate of the data in the report while we are presenting in a meeting
Kim Heuer
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Update idea rank should remove value for records removed from ranked list
What is the challenge? When you click "update idea rank" in a prioritization view, it doesn't remove the rank value from any records that have been removed from the list. What is the impact? Over time, this causes records (ideas/features) reports ...
Allow Delivery Risks to be included in Calculated Columns
Who would benefit? Executives or anyone who want to see a RAG status for Delivery Risks What impact would it make? By being able to add a delivery risk = True indicator to a list report, that RAG indicator can be pulled onto a roadmap and allow an...
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration