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Showing 1046 of 9173

Data Counts are not visible

Hi Hari, It isn't currently possible to configure the data labels further - they are either visible or not. The reason the data count isn't displaying on your stack elements is because there isn't enough room for it to fit. This is due to the unal...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Prompt to save report first when adding unsaved report to presentation

If I am looking at an existing list report and then change the view to pivot but the report does not translate to a pivot then I am forced to create the report again. This is expected but then after I create that report, before saving it, if I opt...
Peter Whisenant almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Dynamically update assigned to filter based on products filter

When viewing an ideas or features list, the assigned to filter will show all users in the account. It would be great if this filter was updated automatically based on the products selected in the product filter. This way only users who have access...
Laura Giles almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to Clone or Copy Prioritization Report Layouts / a bulk remove feature to remove multiple records from ranking

We are beginning to use prioritization reports, however we are aligning them with our sprint planning. I created a prioritization report for our current sprint, we ranked everything within the sprint, added in related fields we wanted to see like ...
Danny Grigsby almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add ability to group by Epic in the Value Delivered report for Aha! Develop

It would be nice for us to be able to group the value delivered report by Epic to see the context for our business users.
Danny Grigsby almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow me to delete Reports created by a user who no longer exists in Aha!

We are a 5-license shop. Our original consultant, who we brought in to set up Aha! and Aha!/Jira integration, created a Report which everyone can see. This report is just a silly test report and is useless for the rest of us. The consultant's User...
Claudia Rudolph almost 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

horizontal scrollbar on Dashboards please!

I'm looking at other users' Dashboards and there are some Dashboards that are wider than the screen. The horizontal (left-right) scrollbar is missing and there Dashboards have more content to the right but it can't be viewed because there's no scr...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow Record Field Display in Dashboards with Rich Text Formatting

Similar to Smartsheet dashboards that have widgets where we could use rich text formatting and reference record values in a dashboard, I wish that Aha! dashboards allowed us to display record field values dynamically, so we have visually appealing...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Pivot Table Sort order flexibility

When selecting the sort order in a pivot table. It would be nice to select the order by the item. We find that in some cases sorting the order by least to greatest or A-Z does not adequately meet our needs. For example when a list is A,B,C,D,E we ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow sub-release names to sort on both release name and product name.

The issue was discussed with Aha Support under Useful to consumers of Release-related reports at all levels (including C-Suite). Problem: We name all of our releases with just the release number (e.g. 2019...
Alex B almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement