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Move the "created by" line under the feature name

Who would benefit? What impact would it make? How should it work? Under each feature name there is a line called "Created by" with the feature creation date and creator's name. This real estate could be better used if this was just included in the...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Display related Aha ideas and JIRA integration on features roadmap

Who would benefit? Internal stakeholders What impact would it make? Would free up time for Product Managers from providing the details offline on yet another wiki, confluence page etc. How should it work? On the features roadmap, it would be usefu...
Shri Iyer 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Bug - dragging image as file to embed in Description field fails with console error

Who would benefit? What impact would it make? Fix a bug How should it work? NOte: This works on the IDeas portal. Dragging an image that is attached to a Feature Card into the Description fails with the following console error: Uncaught TypeError:...
Warren Evans 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Log work when importing completed records

My use case: I have existing epics in progress I want to import from Jira and I want to show accurate progress towards these epics based on story points completed. Here is the situation I am running: Create an epic in Jira, and 2 child stories und...
Max Robbins 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Include linked record/relationship field as an option for automated scorecard metrics

It would be valuable to be able to include standard fields that are derived from linked records in automated scorecard metrics. For example, I may want to create a metric that assigns a score based on the name of the goal(s) that a feature is asso...
Brittany Rhoney 7 months ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Ability to Customize Prioritization Cards

As a backlog manager, I would like to customize the prioritization cards that meet my filter criteria, so that I can select them based on custom values and add them to the board in a particular order.
Joseph Gehling 8 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Automatically relate all features within an Epic with each other

When I look at a feature A and want to navigate to another feature B, while both are part of the same Epic X, I need to first navigate to the Epic and then from there switch to "Related" tab to navigate to the other feature B. It would be much eas...
Guest 8 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Automate Idea creation on Feature created

When features are created it would be nice to create a related idea for it so it can be tracked through the ideas portal. As these features come in we know they are good for the product but need to work through details and timing of it. To help co...
Josh Nolan 8 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add a separate section on features for links to other services (could be research, notes, etc)

Any time I use Aha, there are plenty of fields to use to enter information. But, there's not really any easy way of adding links to external information, unless I add them in the description field. The description should be reserved for informatio...
Alexander Härenstam 8 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to sort feature cards in a release according to default priority ranking field

A product manager will frequently switch between the priorization screen and the board to view features. If the drag-and-drop stack ranking is used and without product value, then the card sorting drop-down excludes this field. The workaround is t...
Guest 9 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration