Record Links: Ability to paste link when creating a relationship
It would be helpful to be able to paste the URL to a record when creating a relationship between features etc. Currently we have to type in the record number.
Jennifer Lange
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Our team needs an straightforward, one-click way to share feature URL's between each other. This functionality should ideally be available in all feature listings.
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Ability to assign more than one person to a feature
Ability to assign more than one person to a feature would be helpful since often there are multiple people working on a project / feature, so it would be easier for other people to see who's responsible for a feature, and easier for each of the as...
over 2 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
As a Product Manager, I want the ability to clear or delete field values in bulk so that I can easily clean up errors in my data and ensure that Aha! is the definitive source of truth.
Nathaniel Collum
about 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Feature Board: Show Nbr TODOs on customised card layout
Feature -> Board Allow to add the number of Todos in the customized card layout. That would massivly help to see if clarification is needed for an Epic.
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Feature board containing different filter-based lists for backlog management
Combine the List filtering capabilities with the feature board's management capabilities: so I have a board, but instead of moving around in explicit releases for a single product, I can define "feature groups" based on filters (like the List fitl...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Other great Kanban-style boards (e.g., Trello, GitHub Projects) allow scrolling the individual columns which makes moving an item from one long list to a specific position in another long list much easier. I'd like to see this on the Feature board...
Chuck Burt
about 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Need a permissions ability between Reviewer and Contributor for features description editing
Problem Statement: The current permissions/licensing structure of Aha is cost prohibitive for companies with larger business review teams who need update feature descriptions prior to development (i.e. moving features through stage-gate prior to a...
about 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement