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Restore the remaining estimate when a Requirement is moved from Shipped back to In Development

When a Requirement is shipped the remaining estimate will go to 0, but if that Requirement is re-opened then it will stay 0. Is there a way to restore the remaining estimate when a Requirement is re-opened?
Dale Crane over 2 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

Create "Requirement Field" as new custom field type

Who would benefit? Any company that creates platform products What impact would it make? It would allow to connect items across workspaces that belong to difference levels. In our case we can use it to determine the influence of a feature or a req...
Alessandro Alfano 11 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Include custom requirements fields in CSV upload into Aha

We have several teams who use the Aha CSV uploader to help cut down on manual entry time for recurring projects. It would be helpful if they were able to add custom requirements fields to the features uploader. As our company begins to scale, the ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Automatically relate all features within an Epic with each other

When I look at a feature A and want to navigate to another feature B, while both are part of the same Epic X, I need to first navigate to the Epic and then from there switch to "Related" tab to navigate to the other feature B. It would be much eas...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Outlook email integration

Email is still the most used tool in business. ideas, project information, technical details... are all sent via internal email. Integrating Aha with email by using an add-on will be great. The user right-click on a message to see a sub-menu of Ah...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Automate Idea creation on Feature created

When features are created it would be nice to create a related idea for it so it can be tracked through the ideas portal. As these features come in we know they are good for the product but need to work through details and timing of it. To help co...
Josh Nolan over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow customized scorecard to be used for prioritization view within a workspace.

As an organization, we have different groups that need to use a customized scorecards. The new prioritization view is useless without the ability to select a scorecard that is unique to your group. If I change the current Account Product Value sco...
Doug D over 2 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Include original and remaining story point estimates in filters

I would like to be able to create a list report that shows all features with a remaining effort greater than 0. Currently, the Feature original estimate and the Feature remaining effort fields are not included in those allowed to be included in so...
Tim Sellers almost 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 2 Future consideration

Don't show master feature name when stories from same master feature are next to each other

I was really excited to see this update: However, I turned on the feature to show master features and immediately turned it off, and went back to my old way of just showing the epic name on the sto...
Angela Wong about 6 years ago in Features 7 Future consideration

Display features board card color based on type instead of status

We use different feature and epic types and would like to have the option to color the cards on the features/board based on the type instead of the status for easier visual distinction of each card's type.
Scott Bleasdell almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration