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When adding features from the prioritization board, choose where they're placed

What is the challenge? When adding features from the privatization board, they are automatically added at the top of the priority queue. However, we have had PMs in our organization that this is annoying and might not want them added at the very t...
Guest 6 months ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Have workflow status change dates refelect the most recent date a status was set

The value of “Status changed to <status X>” for a feature workflow appears to perpetually contain the date of the first time that the status was changes to <status X> rather than the date of the most recent transition to <status X&g...
David Kettinger over 8 years ago in Features 6 Future consideration

Stop remembering my last search on the "Backlog management" page

What is the challenge? Every time I navigate to the Develop > Team > Backlog management page, the page is blank. It's blank because the page is remembering the last search I made. What is the impact? It's confusing. Takes me a minute to real...
Nathaniel Collum 10 months ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Display all linked goals on feature card

On the Features > Board, the feature card will only show one goal even if multiple goals are linked to the feature. It would be helpful to see all goals linked to the feature on the card, when the goal field is added to the feature card.
Guest 3 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Rename product value field in non-product workspaces

The product value score terminology works well for workspaces where teams are building products. But in other workspaces it can be confusing. In these cases a more generic field name would be easier to understand.
Austin Merritt over 2 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add Automation Trigger "Is Blank"

What is the challenge? For data quality, we want to notify an Epic/Feature creator when then have forgotten to tie the record to an Initiative, Objective, or Key Result What is the impact? Work that should be tied to these is not visible, monitore...
Lorena Connolly 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Need to be able to bulk edit features descriptions and attachments

What is the challenge? I cannot bulk edit a batch of features to update their descriptions and attachments taht are all the same What is the impact? I have to go into each feature and update individually Describe your idea bulk edit ability for th...
Danielle Martinez 3 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Option to expand all requirements on a feature

In the old Aha! design there was an option on a feature to expand all the requirements. This was great for quickly showing all the links to Jira. Could you bring this option back?
Kelly Sebes about 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Use a Single Meta/Data Worksheet to Generate Multiple Report Types and Add Directly to Panels Without Pre-Saving

What is the challenge? The current process of creating and managing multiple reports can lead to overcrowded workflows and inefficiencies when building a unified dashboard. Users face difficulties in seamlessly generating multiple reports and orga...
Basak B Klumph 3 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple workflows in a product

Within a given product there can be different types of initiatives and features. Aha! supports the concept of feature types and allows templating of the description field by type. Would like to see an expansion of this concept to support configura...
Bonnie Trei over 5 years ago in Features 5 Future consideration