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My votes: Features

Showing 183

Would like a setting to control the default ranking of new Features

Currently, new Features that are created or promoted from Ideas into a Release or Parking Lot are put at the top of the list and given the highest ranking. Would like to have a setting to control this, as we would prefer that new Features that are...
cheryl fetchko almost 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Dependancy Map support for Feature - Requirement links

Adding the possibility to visualize also the requirements linked to each feature would give a much more complete picture of the feature backlog.
Kenneth Palm almost 8 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Attach from file repository

Maybe a feature is created from an initiative that has a big BRD document attached. Instead of attaching the file again (thus duplicating it in the Files section) we could search and attach previous loaded files (as a pointer to that file).
Alejandro Blaas about 9 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Need a permissions ability between Reviewer and Contributor for features description editing

Problem Statement: The current permissions/licensing structure of Aha is cost prohibitive for companies with larger business review teams who need update feature descriptions prior to development (i.e. moving features through stage-gate prior to a...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Let a user apply a global configuration to Feature Card Layout

Overview Let users set a default configuration for Feature Cards and apply that layout across all products they are members of. Background I love the fact you can customise the layout of Feature cards to include exactly what you want them to show....
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Configurable relationships in the Dependency Map

I'm glad to see the dependency map feature appear. However, I notice it doesn't just show dependencies, it also shows "relates to" relationships. On the map, they are indistinguishable, which is confusing. It would be great if I could limit the ty...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Add a parking lot for Shipped Releases

As i find myself shipping off new releases it would be nice to store all 'shipped' release builds into a parking lot style banner on the left-side of the screen in the Features Board screen. This would allow quick and easy access to completed rele...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

"Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons on Feature --> Workflow view

I'd love to be able to quickly expand or collapse all accordion items on the Features --> Workflow view.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Option to Display Release Phases as Columns on Feature Board

Because I manage physical product development, releases are longer and there are a lot more epics in each. It's not remotely useful to display 89 features in one column for the only release in a given product. If I could break up the features boar...
Eva Humphrey over 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow for developer notes/private comments in Feature Cards; only viewed by owners and those working the feature cards

There are conversations our team would like to contain with in a Feature Cards that are only viewed by our team members.
Carolee Snarr about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 1 Unlikely to implement