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Suggested Development timeframe

What is the challenge? Getting estimates from people is a slow process, they are rarely correct and are often influenced by politics or hidden agendas. What is the impact? Plans are rarely accurate, estimates are padded to make people feel safe. O...
Mike Lowery 5 months ago in Agile reports / Development / Features 0 Likely to implement

Small link for custom URL fields in feature cards

Presently you can add a custom URL field to the custom layout of a feature card, but it displays the entire URL. It would be nice to show the name of the field or even a simple link icon that I can click to open the URL in a new tab.
Jonathan Steel almost 5 years ago in Features 1 Likely to implement

New ideas/features lists do not remember my customizations

When I go back to the ideas list I expect that it will remember the changes I made to the columns and filters. I believe it used to, but the new version of them does not.
Kelly Sebes over 1 year ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Likely to implement