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Display metric showing ideas created by contact

When viewing the details page of a contact, I can see the voting information, such as proxy votes and vote totals, but I don't have a quick way to see how to view all ideas a contact has submitted. I want that to be included on the quick view metr...
Laurel McHugh over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ability to sort initiatives

We use initiatives to track packages of work - if you amend or create a new initiative as part of development, there isn't a way (currently) to be able to sort the list - any new initiative gets added to the top and can then be out of order. the o...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Custom Workflows to action and/or post messaging after a duration of time.

Looking to implement a workflow where by ideas are automatically moved to will not implement and a message posted if there is no action (vote or comment) for 60+ days. This would operate in parallel to a partner workflow where we groom/action an i...
Francisco B over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

POST for /api/v1/products/:product_id/idea_categories

We want the Categories that an Idea is assigned to, to be 1:1 with our Components from Jira. We could utilize the JIRA Rest API and the AHA Rest API to keep these two lists in sync, however the AHA API only has a GET protocol available and lacks a...
Ryan G over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Custom fields on users

I would like to be able to easily do things like: Show me the top 5 votes ideas by our sales team Show me all ideas submitted by our Delivery team I can currently do this by manually selecting each user, but it would be nice to assign a department...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Idea System Scorecard field values promote to an Initiative Scorecard Custom Field

Promoting Ideas to Features will populate the Feature system scorecard field with the idea scorecard values as long as both the Idea and Feature are using the same custom scorecard. The desire is for the same behavior when promoting ideas to ini...
Matt Case over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Ability to see list of organizations on Idea in List mode

Right now, there is no way in List mode to see the list of organizations on an idea unless you have a row per Organization. This is not user friendly. Can you please add the ability to see the list of org's on an idea in List mode while keeping on...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Add download asset option on idea slide out panel

Most times that an new Idea is posted via our portal I need to grab the image or asset that was attached. I typically transfer details from the Idea over to our project management software (including the image or asset). Currently it takes three c...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Need to be able to edit the "Idea Created" message that appears in portal upon submitting

The use case is that the customer has an ideas workflow where all submitted ideas need to go through a review process before they are actually published to the portal via the visibility settings. What currently displays on the screen upon submitti...
Matt Case over 7 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Suggest link to idea when creating a new idea from existing idea

When I think of adding a new idea, I am often already on the page of an existing idea. I'd like to have Aha! suggest that the new idea be linked to the existing idea as a related record vs. having to go back and add that link later via several add...
Elizabeth Karam over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration