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Idea submission method type + filter

Much like any omni-channel heldesk tool, the Aha platform allows for a variety of ways to submit an idea - be it manually from within Aha, bulk upload, via email, a chat bot, multiple portals, account specific portal, zendesk/sfdc/jira/uservoice, ...
Laura Giles about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Prevent Reviewers from changing the visibility of their own ideas

All my internal users are Reviewers, as I want them to be able to see more in depth information than they can get through the idea portal. However, I don't want anyone but an Owner to be able to mark and idea as Visible to Anyone. Internal employe...
Bryan Young about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ability to submit picture with an Idea

Please provide image type field to accept pictures from users like mockups or additional information. The size can be limited so they do not submit high resolution images
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Create Idea on behalf of someone else

As a product owner, I need to create an idea on behalf of someone else and have that person appear as the original requestor so that they receive the notifications as their idea is worked on. The persona is an individual who is not an Idea Portal...
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Merging ideas and Merged ideas filter needs more options

The merging capability does not go far enough. I'd like an option when I merge ideas to 'hide' the merged idea from the portal, counts, and from list views. This would then provide a better count of outstanding ideas by status. Without this abilit...
Charlene Brennan about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Different Statuses for Idea Promotion to Feature vs. Master Feature

If an Idea is submitted that should be promoted to a Master Feature instead of a Feature, then this Idea may most likely take longer to deliver. In which case we would like the state change on the Ideas Portal to change to one state if the Idea wa...
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Integration with HubSpot CRM

Our Sales and Support teams use HubSpot CRM for all of their daily operations. I would love to have the same two-way sync that is provided for Salesforce within HubSpot. Essentially, the ability to associate contacts to ideas within HubSpot
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas / Integrations 12 Future consideration

Ability to create Public ideas via the Aha Ideas tab

It appears that when you create ideas from within Aha on the Ideas tab, and not within the Ideas Portal, you cannot default those ideas to be visible to all Ideas Portal users. We go in and update every Idea to be public, so it would save us a bun...
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Add a shortcut button to get to the "backend view" of an idea

We have a lot of people who would like to see ideas via the Aha! welcome center, but maybe created the idea in the ideas portal. It'd be great if there was a shortcut button for them to do so rather than needing to type in the name of the idea.
Allie Emrich about 5 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

When promoting an idea use the idea "created as" as the "created as" of the feature

Or alternatively, keep the existing scheme but save the idea "created as" into some new field on the feature. We want to notify the actual reporter of progress of their idea, but by the time this makes its way to Jira then the original reporter is...
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement