Ability to edit the Idea terminology for outgoing emails
As a product manager, I do not use the term idea, but the outgoing idea emails only allow the ability to edit the terminology for idea in one place -- the button (link).
I would like to be able to edit the term idea in the header of the email (g...
Scott Goldblatt
about 7 years ago
in Ideas
A product is developing a feature ("feature A") that requires work from another business unit. The submit an idea to another business unit and link it to their feature.
The receiving business unit promotes the idea to a feature in their ...
Make idea title selectable (or copy to clipboard on click)
For some reason, when viewing an idea (in the portal), the idea title is rendered as a link with class header-link.
Consequently, this makes it non-selectable text, at least in Chrome (Windows). However, I often need to do precisely that, copy the...
I need to send out all of the Urls that have been created for idea portals and it would be nice to be able to have that list so i don't have to create it manually
We need the ability to add a one-to-many custom table within Organizations. Use case: for each org, we want to be able to have PMs capture notes from conversations in a structured fashion. Example... Org ABC Date PM participants Org participants N...
Brian Trombley
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Idea Portal: Filter should not be removed when I switch between Recent, Trending and Popular
Problem:Whenever I switch between Recent, Trending and Popular I lose my selected focus (filter). Solution:Do not remove the selected filter until I click on the remove button ("X").
Gergo Navratyil
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Allow idea portals to be separate from IP access control
For the enterprise large company use case where they wish to have a public Ideas portal but otherwise lock down Aha! access (including notebooks) via IP.
Additional Automation Trigger for Idea creator and their domain
It would be great to see the option to review the email domain of the creator of an idea, so that we could update another field automatically. For example, the ideas created by users@customer.com the Customer field could automatically be updated t...
Christopher L
about 4 years ago
in Ideas