Add email address to ideas entered on behalf of a customer
We have staff enter ideas on behalf of the customer. It would be great if they could enter the customer email address and, when we update the idea, an email is triggered to the customers as well as the internal staff member. Saves time for staff -...
When there is only one portal option, I should not have to select it to get there.
On the Ideas Overview page, there is an option in the NE corner of the page to "View ideas portal". When there is only one portal to choose from, which probably the...
Tom Beck
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Allow default idea assignee to be contributor user role
Ideas will be going to a contributor user for triage and de-duping prior to the product owner reviewing them. Because of this, we need to be able to set the default assignee for new ideas to be users that aren't product owners. With Features you c...
Change the location of the logout on the ideas portal
Move the user name with log out to the top of the ideas portal screen. When you have a longer list of products, it is not view-able on the screen without scrolling.
Whenever I need to do a mass update on an Idea and I export the ID field out it becomes a nightmare to work with in Excel or Access because it's a numeric value that keeps changing to something that looks like a formula. It would be really nice if...
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Suggest other related records on creation of link to another idea
If idea A is linked to 4 other ideas and I link idea B tot A, it would be handy if all ideas of A are suggested to be added to B too. Simply tick checkboxes for the ideas of A that should also be related to B. This way of connecting ideas saves ti...
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Easy way of copying reference and title for ideas and features
I cannot figure out a way of copying an idea or feature reference AND the description to the clipboard i.e. "xxx-I-83 - A great Idea"
I often copy the URL of an idea or a feature so I get this copied to the clipboard. https://xxxxxx/ideas/xxx-I-83...
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
It would be useful if we could see when the score of an idea in the portal was last updated. As customer votes come in and business strategies evolve, I would like to update the idea scores, but focus on those ideas that have particularly old scor...
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
I'm unable to view attachments on the internal "Idea card" when a user submits an idea with an attachment. I am able to view the attachment if I navigate to the idea portal, but that's not where I manage my ideas from.
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists